Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lottery TIPS! The how to’s of picking lottery numbers, and potentially increasing your luck factor!

How to play Power ball & Mega millions Games

I’ll go ahead and come straight out and say, in my opinion, it is safe to assume that there is no current method that is scientifically proven to winning the lottery jackpots or accurately predicting the winning lottery numbers. Actually I take that back, pick the right numbers. ..haha? Bad joke. Of course this is all fun and games however, what I will tell you are some suggestions on picking numbers or strategies from previous jackpot winners of some of the bigger lottery games such as Powerball, Megamillions, and the state lottery games.  

Ok. Here we go. Richard Lustig, who has won 7 jackpots by the way, takes lottery very seriously, he says, “Luck has nothing to do with it.” Here are some of his suggestions when you are trying after that high million dollar jackpot. 
  1. Pick your own lottery numbers rather than having the machine do it for you. That’s right folks, say no to QuickPicks (QP). Just make sure the numbers are the ones included in the game. No three digit numbers.
  2. Research your numbers and see if they have won before. Now I’m not quite sure what to do with this research after completed but I’m assuming Mr. Lustig’s implications are to see if there are historic implications of favored lottery jackpot numbers.
  3. Select your 10 sets of lottery numbers and keep those if you keep buying lottery tickets

Gail Howard, who gets paid to counsel other lottery players on increasing the chances of winning a lottery jackpot, suggests to:
  1. Pick half low ranging numbers, and the other half on the higher valued side.
  2. Avoid patterns.
  3. Purchase one ticket.
Now this doesn’t at all mean to stop playing your birthday, or favorite sets of numbers you have been playing since the beginning of your lottery relationship, these are just friendly tips from other lottery players, which have won jackpots in the past, who take the lottery playing process very seriously.

That’s all for now my lottery people. G’luck on the games! ScanON with YooLotto.

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